Student Services » Student Privacy Information

Student Privacy Information



FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy rights of parents and students in education records maintained by educational agencies and institutions or by persons acting for such agencies or institutions. PPRA affords parents/guardians and students with rights concerning certain marketing activities, the administration or distribution of certain surveys to students, the administration of certain physical examinations or screenings to students, and parental access to certain instructional materials. The following resources may be helpful for students and their families.


Resources on FERPA, COVID-19, and virtual learning:


  • FERPA and Virtual Learning During COVID-19; FERPA and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) FAQs; and May Schools Disclose Information about Cases of COVID-19? – provides information on the applicability of FERPA to COVID-19 related disclosures.


General guidance for parents on FERPA and PPRA: