School Counseling Office » Grades and GPA Information

Grades and GPA Information

Grading Scale and GPA Information

Grading Scale
GPA information
90 – 100 = A
A = 4 points
80 – 89 = B
B = 3 points
70 – 79 = C
C = 2 points
60 – 69 = D
D = 1 point
Below 60 = F
F = 0 points


GPA needed to co-op: 2.0

Minimum core-courses (not high school overall) GPA needed to register with NCAA: 2.0


GPA needed for SEED scholarship: 2.5


GPA needed for Inspire scholarship: 2.75


Minimum GPA recommended for college applicants: Visit the website of the college you want to attend for their requirement)


Student Services – Interims and Report Cards
Students will be given all interim reports and report cards electronically.